Debated Breath

Debated Introduction

Sunday January 30, 2022- Watching the second of the NFL Championship games and decided, I want to explore writing a blog. Why, I blame it on the book that Amy (my wife) got me for Christmas. "Atomic Habits" : Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results. In it, the Author, James Clear talks about making small changes, and changing the way you think about achieving desired goals and results. From early on and his telling of the story of the British National Cycling team to James making several references to how he never fancied himself a writer. However, here he was and it started with writing newsletters and blogs.

So, I started thinking to myself, inspired by this book, why not. What would my blog be about? Probably at first, life shared transparently, random thoughts and observations, opinions - oh yes, I have those, rest assured.

Why the title. A couple reasons. I LOVE Word play, alliterations, etc. Secondly, there may be a corresponding podcast to follow as a companion piece. Third, balance. "Balance" was the word I chose to be my 2022 word. Rather than a resolution, a word to guide my actions and choices. Basically, I wanted to make sure I focused on balance in my life. From when I disagree with someone, trying to balance and temper the disagreement in a way that I may better see their point of view. Balance of work and life, so that one doesn't overtake the other to the point where one is neglected. I mean, I can't just sit around and watch TV all day and I can't work all day. Both, you would agree are unhealthy. Balance. Give equal time to the things you are passionate about. Reading, fishing, work, photography, painting, exercise, cooking, baking, friends, cosplay, board games, your faith. ....leave room for them, but share the equally with other aspects of your life. It's almost like that show "Sister Wives". Start neglecting one of the wives and things go "right round the bend" in a hurry.

So, in the day, weeks and hopefully years moving forward, may you benefit and enjoy my balance and my words. At times you may laugh, cry, get mad at me or at the topic I share. Whatever emotion you feel, I just hope it makes you feel something and when it does, sit with that emotion and go on your own journey. Try to understand why you're feeling it, what it means and what is the result. Here we go.